An alliance of China-Pakistan Research Centers has been launched. The initiative was taken by the Islamabad based IPDS (Institute Of Peace and Diplomatic Studies). In the launching ceremony / event which has taken place on 11 April 2023 online the Director China Study Center, University of Peshawar, Prof. Dr. Zahid Anwar was invited to deliver a speech on the efforts of his Center for promoting people to people contacts, research, conferences, seminars on the regional important issues and themes significant both for China and Pakistan. Prof. Dr Zahid Anwar in his speech said that CSC was established in 2016 with support of China Embassy in Pakistan. China Embassy Islamabad gives every year millions of PKR Scholarships entitled, “ The China Ambassador Scholarships” for the deserving students of the University of Peshawar. China Study Center at University of Peshawar has started its Research Journal of Pakistan-China Studies which was recognized in Category “Y” by the HEC last year ( ) CSC has signed MOUs with CIIS, BUCT, Jiangsu University, Northwest University Xian, Xidian University Xian and MOUs with Yunnan University, UIBE, XJTU etc are under process. China Study Center, University of Peshawar has also organized many national and international conferences and webinars on BRI, CPEC, regional connectivity, Peace, Pakistan and China relations ( ) He further added that our Center has successfully running Chinese language program and taught Chinese language to hundreds of students in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. We organize regularly one week workshop on “China Today” in which distinguished speakers are invited to delivers lectures to participants on Chinese foreign policy, economy, geography, culture, history, society and civilization. In the launching event today many experts and directors of Centers from China & Pakistan participated which included Prof. Tang Jun, Pakistan Research Center, Inner Mongolia Honder College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Farhat Asif, Centre for BRI and China Studies, Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies, Islamabad, Prof. Sun Hongqi, Pakistan Study Center, Jiangsu Normal University, Prof. Dr. Zahid Anwar, Director, China Study Centre, University of Peshawar , Prof. Huang Qiuwen , Jiangxi University of Science and Technology Pakistan Research Center, Dr. Tahir Mumtaz Awan, Director China Study Center, COMSATS University, Islamabad, Prof. Ma Jianfu, Pakistan Study Center, North Minzu University, Dr. Abdul Sattar, Director China Study Center, BUITEMS, Quetta, Dr. Zhao Yankan, The Pakistan Study Center Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Dr. Samina Sabbir, CPEC Center, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Prof. Guo Yaling, Pakistan Research Center of He Bei Normal University, Dr. Faqeer Muhammad, Director China Study Center, Karakorum International University, Gilgit, Prof. Jin Qiang, Intercultural Communication Research Center at He Bei University, Ms. Xiang Yang Scarlet, Director China Study Center, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad and Prof. Sun Hongqi, Director Pakistan Study Center, Jiangsu Normal University. Many useful suggestions regarding collaboration between the centers from both sides were given A large number of participants appreciated the efforts of IDPS for organizing this event