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Pakistan and China relations are based on solid foundations. Pak-China cooperation has increased with passage of time in all fields including knowledge industry. The collaboration in higher education strengthened in the wake of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). CPEC which is a mega project of BRI further galvanized academic cooperation in the institutions of higher learning between the two countries.

The University of Peshawar, which is the oldest and most established university of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is playing an important role in educating the youth of the province and the region at large. The establishment of China Study Centre at the University of Peshawar with the financial and technical support of the Embassy of the People Republic of China, Islamabad will boost mutual understanding between the people of the two countries. The China Study Centre is a Research Centre which will conduct research on different aspects of China- Pakistan relations, and related dynamics. The centre will educate people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan on Chinese culture, economy, political system, science and technology, and society. On the other hand, it will disseminate information to Chinese people about Pakistan, its people, culture, socio-economic and political developments.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Qazi


University of Peshawar

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